The Motley Fool Canada

This Tiny TSX Stock Could Be Like Buying Shopify in 2016

By: Jared George
Shopify 2.0
Not to alarm you, but you’re about to miss an important and rare event in stock market history…

You see, I recently stumbled onto a practically unknown (yet publicly traded) Canadian company following so closely in Shopify’s footsteps that it has seriously caught the attention of Iain Butler himself…

The same renowned Canadian investor who actually did recommend Shopify back in 2016 and has racked up over 4,059% gains since then.

In case you’ve never heard of Iain Butler, he’s the Chief Investment Advisor of Motley Fool Canada.

And simply put, Iain’s track record of identifying the right companies at the forefront of disruptive trends is the stuff of legend.

In addition to recommending investors get in early on Shopify, Iain has correctly predicted the success of many of the market’s biggest winners in recent years – stocks like:

MercadoLibre, up 1,954%
• Solium Capital, up 167%
• Veeva Systems, up 793%
• The Trade Desk, up 943%
• MongoDB, up 471%

And that’s just within the past 7 years!

Of course, not every single one of Iain’s stocks has been as successful as these incredible winners… but there’s no need for me to cherry-pick returns.

Because here’s the bottom line:

Iain has been recommending stocks to Motley Fool Canada members for 7 years now, and his AVERAGE stock pick has returned a stellar 83%… roughly QUADRUPLING the return of the S&P 500/TSX Composite Index.

Which brings me back to the under-the-radar (yet fast-growing) stock Iain has found which has some striking similarities to Shopify back in 2016.

I realize that’s a bold statement since Shopify has gone on to generate +4,059% returns since then, so allow me to explain…

Shares of this tiny TSX-traded company have only been available to the public for a few months, and Iain believes it might be the perfect time to make a move on this stock.

Here’s why this is such an important (and rare) move:

In the past 7 years, there has only been one other occasion Iain Butler has alerted investors to a Canadian company fresh off its IPO.

That’s incredible! Only one other time has Iain looked at a brand-new stock and nearly IMMEDIATELY believed he found a winner.

Usually, Iain likes to wait and see a company prove itself in the public markets for a few years before recommending investors buy shares, but sometimes, on rare occasions, he believes in a company so much that he pounds the table for investors to act fast and grab shares.

Perhaps no example better highlights this rare conviction like Iain’s March 2016 recommendation of Shopify.

It was a small-cap stock that had just gone public on May 21, 2015, when Iain Butler first published his detailed, +1,500 word “buy” report on Shopify’s stock AND recommended Canadian investors pick up shares immediately.

Iain predicted CEO Tobias Lütke’s vision for Shopify. Iain told investors “Shopify is your ticket to ride.”

Shopify had been public for less than 10 months when Iain issued this bold “buy” recommendation but boy, did it pay to listen

Fast-forward to today, Shopify’s stock is up a mind-boggling 4,059% – turning every $5,000 invested into more than $150,000 in just 4 years.

While you can’t go back in time and invest in Shopify alongside Iain Butler, I believe I’m offering you the next best thing…

The chance to get in early on the new recent-IPO stock that’s come to Iain’s attention.

The company has grown its revenue by a whopping 47% in the past year alone.

Even more exciting, management expects continued double-digit revenue growth going forward.

That’s the type of growth and market opportunity that gets Iain Butler’s heart pumping.

Remember the old saying, “the early bird gets the worm” – an ageless mantra reminding us early movers often have the best chance of success.

That’s exactly why Iain is alerting investors like you to this company.

There’s just one catch:

Iain is ONLY sharing the details of this stock with members of The Motley Fool Canada’s flagship investing service, Stock Advisor Canada.

Now, if you’re not familiar with the Motley Fool Stock Advisor Canada service, this is the market-beating online investing service Iain leads that provides easy-to-follow, monthly stock recommendations to individual investors.

That’s right! Each and every month, roughly 50,000 investors tune in to discover which stocks Iain believe investors should be buying shares of today.

Which brings me back to this recently IPO’d, under-the-radar company Iain is alerting investors to…

Because he wants as many investors as possible to potentially profit from this fast-growing stock, Iain just published a brand-new, comprehensive report inside Stock Advisor Canada that gives you the FULL scoop on this exciting company.

Even better, because Iain is completely convinced you’ll be impressed by the exclusive research he’s put together on this stock, he makes sure every Stock Advisor Canada membership is backed by a 100% membership-fee-back guarantee that allows you to get your money back if you aren’t impressed or ultimately decide Stock Advisor Canada isn’t right for you!

That’s right, you can sign up for Stock Advisor Canada today, get the full details on this new-IPO stock, and then get your full membership fee back if you aren’t completely satisfied.

This is your chance to get in early on what could prove to be a very special stock alert.

And while we could never guarantee Iain’s new alert will produce Shopify-like returns, this stock is already up significantly since its IPO.

Even though timing isn’t everything, history shows that it can pay to move early on stocks like this one – especially when you remember Iain’s average pick in Stock Advisor Canada is up 83%! (And yes, that includes all his winners AND losers!)

Don’t miss out. There’s still time to get the full story on this remarkable company.

I urge you to take action today and decide for yourself if you want to take advantage of this potentially once-in-a-generation buying opportunity.

Simply enter your email address below to access our secure sign-up page.

Returns are updated regularly during market hours. Iain Butler owns shares of Shopify and MongoDB. David Gardner owns shares of MercadoLibre. Tom Gardner owns shares of Shopify and The Trade Desk. The Motley Fool owns shares of MercadoLibre, MongoDB, Shopify, The Trade Desk, and Veeva Systems. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy. Past performance is not a predictor of future results. Individual investment results may vary. All investing involves risk of loss.