Top 5 Things to Know About Self-Driving Cars
By: Rex Moore
Hi, I’m Rex Moore with the Motley Fool, in front of BMW’s self-driving exhibit at CES in Las Vegas. Now, have you ever wondered how to invest in this revolutionary technology?
Well, I’m going to give you the top five things that you might want to know about.
And I hope you remember this short list… I believe it’s especially important if you’re even thinking about investing in the promise of this exciting technology.
1. It’s probably going to be bigger than you are even imagining… and that’s great for investors
Here’s what I mean: You yourself might be skeptical at the moment. Maybe you’ve been hearing about self-driving cars for years but haven’t seen any proof it’s actually going to happen.
But I know through my sources that dozens of companies are working non-stop on all aspects of getting these cars to mass market. I’ve ridden in several of them over the past few years, and I know how safe they are. Here’s exactly what I think is going to happen. As soon as they become available, people will see:
• Accidents and fatalities plummet
• Insurance rates fall as a result
• Traffic become much smoother and commutes shorter
And that’s why I see extremely fast acceptance, and adoption, of this technology.
That’s why the time is now to think about investing, while skepticism is still high and before short-term oriented Wall Street wakes up to it!
2. Fortunes will be made
Think back a few years about some of the other life-changing technologies that exploded into our lives: Like when the Internet hit big with companies like Amazon and Google. Or the smartphone revolution and with it the rise of Apple, Facebook, and countless others.
I believe we’re looking at the same thing here… where in a few years new companies will skyrocket in wealth and become household names.
3. Not everyone will win
Remember for every Amazon there’s an… for every Netflix a Blockbuster. I predict there will be many stocks, including some obvious names, that disappoint their investors during the self-driving revolution.
4. It’s happening sooner than you think.
There are already partial self-driving vehicles on the road now… like this Tesla Model 3 you see me in here on the D.C. Beltway. The technology really is almost completely ready, and now various government entities need to make it easy for it to roll out quickly.
This is another reason I think now is the time to act.
5. Maybe… the best way to invest in self driving cars is to ignore the cars themselves!
Here’s what I mean:
All of the talking heads in the media go on and on about Tesla and Uber and other big names, but they’re not telling you the really BIG story behind it all. It’s the giant prize that Tesla and hundreds of other companies are chasing.
It’s the ability to control the car that has my investor juices flowing… to be the brains behind the car.
Instead of investing in the maker of a single brand of car, what if you could invest in the company that has its technology embedded in dozens of these brands? It’s almost like their cash register rings every time most any autonomous vehicle rolls off the assembly line!
And the amazing thing is this one company is not only poised to be a major playing in self-driving cars, but it’s already raking in billions of dollars a year in free cash flow by being a leader in artificial intelligence technology. And that is not only crucial for self-driving cars, but also for everything from healthcare to retail to agriculture… I’m just scratching the surface here.
We at Motley Fool Stock Advisor Canada believe this company presents a huge opportunity for us individual investors, especially if we get in before the crowd.
But that crowd may be just around the corner… I’ve already seen this technology being pitched on ABC’s Shark Tank show, and one of the investors on there went gung-ho for it by making one of the biggest investments in the show’s history.
So because we see time drawing nearer when this technology hits the mainstream, Iain Butler of Motley Fool Stock Advisor Canada felt it was time to offer a special report …. Called 1 Stock for the Self-Driving Revolution.
This report is FREE to you when you sign up for Stock Advisor Canada today.
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